The long awaited day for both schools within the conservancy came on 24th and 27th September when all the requirements needed for a Wildlife club member was met by Kiboko and Mbogo primary pupils with moral and financial support from Soysambu conservancy and friends. The tour was objectively for the pupils to appreciate the diversity of wildlife in the neighborhood as the ecosystem is similar to that of Soysambu Conservancy. The difference is the diverse wildlife and the management of a national park.
At the end of the visit, the young Conservationists were grateful as they had sported a good number of Wild animals and visited various  picnic sites.The summary of their day was as below;

Kiboko School ready for the trip

Kiboko School ready for the trip

Mbogo School ready for the trip

Mbogo School ready for the trip

Help her keep the Environment clean.

Help her keep the Environment clean.

At Makalia Falls

At Makalia Falls

Shared from,
Education and Awareness Desk
Beaty Limo.