The aim of the survey was to provide understanding on meso and small mammals of the Soysambu conservancy. This is aimed at enhancing conservation given that several species in this category have potential in use in monitoring for habitat change.
Assorted traps including mist nets for bats, tomahawk and Sherman for mammals were used.
The traps were set in selected habitats that reflect habitat categories in the range.
Immediate output of this short survey is a species inventory and a poster which we could co-authored by National Museums of Kenya and Soysambu Conservancy for conservation/research office to support decision making by the management. A longer survey will follow to exhaustively record all species in the Soysambu Conservancy.
The survey was done from Friday evening to Sunday evening. The rodents were measured dissected,sampled and preserved.

The team is getting ready to set traps

The team is getting ready to set traps


Searching for suitable locations for traps.

Searching for suitable locations for traps.


Open lab ready for dissection.

Open lab ready for dissection.


Dissection and labelling.

Dissection and labelling.


Measuring the Zebra mouse.

Measuring the Zebra mouse.


Have you ever spend time talking a bout events ,moments ,situations and activities that frequently happen and is known by everyone? Have you ever thought of an idea and felt that it’s a common one? the steps you take beyond what you think gives you approve, this is what drove Soysambu Conservancy in collaboration with Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp Wellness Staff on Thursday to a near by Community (Mbaruk) for An Education on the HIV/AIDS.
The guests were the Public Health officers from Gilgil, L.Elmenteita Serena Camp Manager and two Nurses , Community Education and Awareness officer Soysambu Conservancy,Ushirika Group from Kasambara and Home care Group Chairlady.
The turn up for the function was great, the theme was; whether you are HIV positive now, that is not the end of life.
Entertainment and Presentations were well done, the topics included what HIV/AIDS is, causes ,types, control measures, types of tests done and everything summarized with sex education and the VCT(Voluntary Counseling and Testing) services.
Together we can reduce the HIV/AIDS infection rate.

Shared By:

Beaty Limo,

Community Education and Awarenes Dpt.

Ushirika Group.

Ushirika Group.


Education Section in progress by Mr.Were;Public Health Officer.

Education Section in progress by Mr.Were;Public Health Officer.

The Kasambara homecare Orphans presenting a song.

The Kasambara home care Orphans presenting a song.L.Elmenteita Serena Wellness Team.