The journey for the 8 Rothschild giraffes who were being held in a holding pen for two weeks finally came to the end yesterday. They were loaded in a lorry at around mid night for around five hours of travel to Roberts’ camp for loading into a boat. Four giraffes were again loaded into a floating vessel propelled by two fibre glass boats on two sides for about an hour to the Ruko island where they will be held in a huge pen for monitoring just before release into their final home. The current holding pen is the true picture of where they will stay as their natural habitat and it is plenty with acacia trees .The giraffes will also be supplied with lucern and water as they get used to this new environment.
Soysambu Conservancy has a species of animals that are only found in specific areas of the entire habitat of 48,000 acres.The most common known species are the Black and White Colobus monkey(Colobus guereza).The animals of this species are only found at the Riverine Acacia Forest(Acacia xanthopholea) also called Yellow barked Acacia.To keep and improve the numbers of such a species the conservancy has ensured a proper management of it’s habitat hence no human activity is allowed in such an area.Welcome to our conservancy and have a view of such amazing , beautifully coloured, vital animal species.
BY:Duncan Oduor and Beatrice Limo.
Fire is a very important tool of managing rangelands in Kenya and especially when used properly and at the right time. The fire can also has devastating effects when it’s not controlled or when it is naturally or accidentally caused in the Parks, Conservancies and other rangelands. It is not only unfortunate when the fires are intentionally caused but its impacts can be so great especially to sensitive and fragile ecosystems and organisms in their natural habitats. Last year most parts of Kenya received adequate rains that led to good harvest of a variety of crops including the staple maize/corns. The rains also helped in the improvement of biomass of both plants and animals.
The Soysambu Conservancy was not left behind in terms of rains ,the rains were so adequate leading to very green ranges. The warm season has set in for the last few weeks, the vegetation has now wilted, dried and turned brownish. Following the dry weather we are experiencing, the huge challenge and threat remains to be wild fires as the grass is currently tall and strong winds blowing from time to time may make it conducive and a hard task to put off the fires. Unfortunately we have experienced a number of wildfires for the past few weeks mainly along the Nakuru-Nairobi Highway (A104) and including the latest fire that nearly gutted the Sunbird and the coming up Serena Lodge. Due to dedicated effort of teams from the Soysambu Conservancy, the Fire Brigade from Nakuru County Council, The friendly Forces-Police and the Military we have managed to fight all the fires and controlled them to minimal areas as possible. The causes of these fires are unknown and some are believed to have started from the surrounding homes straying into this fragile conservation area. Our way forward is now just to improve the routine patrols, community policing, and awareness creation and prepare for any reported cases and prompt action to avoid huge damage.
The participatory management at Soysambu conservancy entails the involvement of the Twelve Communities that forms a Conservation Group. These are the Communities living adjacent to the Conservancy ,the communities have their committee members headed by the Chairperson,the group name is MOGTEKA an acronym to the nanes of the twelve communities namely:(Mbaruk, Mwariki B & C ,Oldubay,Oljorai,Game Njeru , Ututu, Turkana,Elmentaita ,Kiungururia and Kasambara Association).The Community is involved in decision making on the management of Wildlife.
The Conservancy organizes education and awareness to such Communities to instill in them knowledge on the importance of the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation and Protection.Presently, the Conservancy is working in collaboration with Born Free Foundation to educate the Community on the impacts of Game meat through video shows. The areas covered include: Mbaruk and Soysambu headquaters. The Gilgil Agricultural office is also working with us in creating awareness on Environmental Conservation at Kasambara Village. The schools surrounding us are also not left behind; we involve them in the Environmental Cleanup. The participatory management is of great importance to us since we are not an Island we need support from the surrounding and such help us in Resolving Human Wildlife Conflicts and also creating good Rapo:(Together We can Do More)
The World Wetlands Day (WWD) 2011
Theme of year : ‘Forests, Water and wetlands’
By Duncan Ouko and Beatrice Limo.
The Ramsar Convention on wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for action and national co-operation for the conservation, protection and sustainable use of wetlands .This convention was adopted way back on 2nd February 1971 in Iranian city of Ramsar.The treaty came into force in 1975(the oldest multilateral environmental agreement in the world)This treaty is the only of its kind in the world dealing with a particular ecosystem .Kenya became a party to it in 1990,other member nations cover all geographic areas of the globe.
Government agencies, NGOs, and private sectors have been organizing the celebrations since 1997 on 2nd February to mark the adaption of Ramsar convention including undertaking of actions aimed at raising awareness to the public on wetland values and benefits.
Theme of this year was chosen because this year, 2011 is the UN international year of forests focusing on:
- Role of forest in wetlands functions,
- Relationship between forest and wetlands in socio economic development and sustenance,
- Forested wetland s and the special benefits they offer and biological diversity.
Measures taken by the Kenyan government as a signatory is to ensure wise use of our wetlands including addressing their degradation, encroachment and conflict resolution among users one of the measures has led to the designation of five lakes in Kenya’s central rift valley as wetlands of international importance, lake Nakuru, Naivasha, Baringo, Bogoria and Elmenteita and ensuring wise use. Lake Elmenteita was recently designated as a wild life Sanctuary.
The national celebration venue was Lake Nakuru National Park commemorating 20 years since the designation of Lake Nakuru as First Kenya’s Wetland of International Importance.
Soysambu Conservancy is protecting a large proportion of the Lake Elementaita, which is one of the Ramsar sites in Kenya and is so privileged to be associated with the celebrations this year and the years to come.