In addition to booking your accommodations, please make sure to book your visit PRIOR to your arrival to Soysambu. No one is allowed into the conservancy without a booked reservation. Book with Soysambu here>>>

Conservation Contribution

Residents/Citizens (KES)
Non-Residents (USD)
Adults & Teenagers                1,500.00  50.00
Children less than 12 years     750.00  25.00

 Soysambu Conservancy Tour Guide

Day Game Drive 1,200.00 (KES) max 3 hours

Night Game Drive 2,000.00 (KES) max 3 hours

Conservation in Kenya


Residents/Citizens (KES)
Non-Residents (USD)
Adults & Teenagers       600.00  24.00
Children                           350.00  12.00

Private Campsite Booking per day 5000.00 (KES)

Special Activities

Including: Horse Riding, Cycling, Motorbiking, Sundowner, Bush Breakfast and Bush Dinner

600.00 (Kshs)


Cars, vans, buses (KES)
Trucks (KES)
Less than 6 seats: 500.00 1 – 3 tonnes: 1,200.00
6 – 12 seats: 1,200.00 4 – 7 tonnes: 2,500.00
13 – 24 seats: 2,500.00 > 7 tonnes: 5,000.00
25 – 44 seats: 5,000.00 Vehicle recovery: 10,000.00
45 seats & above: 6,000.00
Bicycle/Motorbike: 350.00
Tour Driver-Guides: 500.00
Night Game Drive Experience

Souvenir visitor maps are available for 600 (KES) on location

Important Information

Children: Persons above 3 years but below 12 yrs.
School Groups:  Contact Office Line +254 (0) 711235039
Proof of identification is required before entry.
Disclaimer must be signed before entry.
Visitor Guidelines must followed. We reserve the right to evict anyone who ignores these guidelines.
Litter: Please take your litter and garbage away with you. We are a Conservancy and human litter and garbage can kill or seriously injure both Wildlife and Livestock.
Event Hosting and Filming: Contact
We encourage you to hire an  authorised Conservancy guide while visiting Soysambu.
Souvenir Visitor Map of Soysambu Conservancy is now available at our office for Kshs 600/=.
RATES: All rates are inclusive of VAT and are subject to change at any time.
Bulls walking along Lake Elmenteita.
Sightseeing during a day game drive.
Mbweha Camp at Lake Nakuru.

It is your responsibility to protect yourself and others from Covid-19.

Observe the recommended preventive measures: Wash your hands – Maintain social distance – Wear a mask.

In case of emergency please contact 0711 235 039