Desnaring and awareness

The bushmeat trade has been blamed for the alarming rate of wildlife decline worldwide; however, subsistence poaching has led to the local extinction of animal species . International, national, regional and local treaties and agreements have been signed to combat the vice. Soysambu conservancy in conjunction with the Born Free Foundation had a two day community outreach   on the importance of wildlife conservation and the impact of the bush meat  trade, with  video showings.   A whole day was dedicated to the removal of snares where 33 live snares were retrieved and 43 dead snares  collected within the conservancy.   This activity coincided with the celebration of the late  George Adamson a legendary lion conservationist, on whose legacy the Born Free film and later, the Foundation were established.

Community at Kongasis watching video on dangers of bushmeat


Snares found inside the Conservancy by Team






Baby giraffe with mother and doing well!

Baby Giraffe and Mom

Saving a Baby Rothschild’s Giraffe on Soysambu Conservancy

Just as the sun was slipping behind the Mau Escarpment I received a call that an endangered baby Rothschild’s Giraffe was in distress. I jumped in my car and rushed there with blankets and phoned the Animal Rights Reserved mobile vet unit in Naivasha. They are about an hour or so away so all we could do was keep the baby warm and give comfort.

Gabi and Maddie comforting baby giraffe

Gabi and Maddie comforting baby giraffe

The sun was setting and there were hyenas close by so I asked our Soysambu Conservancy  rangers for assistance. Mike, who has been on the giraffe monitoring team, arrived with the Conservancy vehicle. While we waited for the Vet Unit to arrive the baby become stronger. When the mom came around we moved away hoping the baby could get up with it’s mum’s encouragement. It was just too weak from many hours lying in that position. When the mom moved away we kept it warm and rubbed it’s body and legs, trying to  get some circulation going. It finally lifted it’s head and sat up but still couldn’t stand and we couldn’t get it on it’s feet despite our best efforts.

Baby Giraffe lifts his head

Baby Giraffe lifts his head

The mobile vet unit arrived and immediately went to work getting the baby giraffe on it’s feet and examined it for injuries.

Standing for the first time

Standing for the first time

Examining Legs

examining legs

The Vet decided it was in good shape but had been lying there in the cold for so long it was numb so he massaged it’s limbs. It was amazing how quickly he responded.

Vet Massaging

Feeding milk and glucose

Feeding milk and glucose

The team then mixed a bottle of milk and glucose and after some coaxing he drank two bottles.

Walking without help

With that in him and feeling better he got up on his own and wobbled a bit but took a few steps. We decided to move as far away as possible and still observe with headlights dimmed to let it’s mom reunite with her baby. It was only a few minutes before she came up to him and touched his head and I guess, told him to follow her. She walked a few steps and he didn’t move, so she went back to him and maybe said “come on, there are hyenas about and you better come with me now”. (only my speculation) Well he followed her a few steps and stopped. She turned around and encouraged him again and he followed. Then he was looking for food so they stopped. She moved on and he didn’t follow so she came back, touched his head and he followed. This happened a few more times until they moved on. A little while later the baby sat down, I guess exhausted, and we were worried but he got back up again and followed her into the bush.

We think the mom was in the process of giving birth near the track from Kekopey to Elmenteita and she became spooked by a vehicle so took off running, the baby came out and hit the ground pretty hard. It is a tough birth in the best of circumstances. They usually get up and start feeding in about 45 minutes up to a couple hours. He had some scrapes on his legs and it was some time before he was discovered. The placenta was very close by so we assume this is the scenario.

A HUGE thanks to Animal Rights Reserved for their quick response which resulted in saving the life of an endangered species!!!

Kat Combes, CEO Soysambu Conservancy


Rally Raid Kenya is a multi-round “Dakar style” national championship open to cars, buggies, quads & bikes & run to a two day format. Rally Raid Kenya is a multi-round “Dakar style” national championship open to cars, buggies, quads & bikes & run to a two day format. It is the fastest growing form of motorsport in the country with upwards of 45 competitors at each event. Based on the world famous “Dakar” event our cross country rally raids run to a two day format over a variety of terrain with the emphasis on navigation!
This event was hosted in Soysambu Conservancy on both Saturday May19th and Sunday 20th; it was fantastic despite the challenges due to wet season.
The sponsors of the event were;
Colortunes – competition numbers
ALS – medical helicopter
Feast with the Beast – accommodation and catering
Kick Energy & Mayes Media – DVD and TV coverage
All of the motor clubs and competitors (and their families)
Winners for the day were;
Simon & Whiz – Hybrid Plaz – 3:34:37
Ross Field – 4:25:11
Joe Boulanger – 4:31:56
Many thank s to Mike Borrisow and his team for the good work that made the event successful.
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Community Education and Awareness Desk.


Bush meat is a term used to describe meat taken from the wild. Historically, hunter-gatherer communities used bush meat as a source of protein in a sustainable way. Today however, bush meat poaching has evolved from a low subsistence activity to a huge commercial trade supplying urban and even international markets. Illegal poaching for bush meat has contributed significantly to wildlife loss and poses a great threat to species conservation.
Snares are indiscriminate, strategically positioned across animal tracks to capture, maim and kill wildlife, for this reason Soysambu Conservancy in collaboration with BORNFREE FOUNDATION team and Greensteds International School set aside a week to carry out De-snaring, Education and awareness activities as from 2nd may and ended on 6th, the work was well done as a total of seventeen snares was collected over the period.
Thanks team for you ensured the safety of our animals in the wild, keep it up.
Shared from;
Community Education and Awareness Desk.

Briefing before De-Snaring.

Soysambu and BORNFREE Team.

Soysambu and BORNFREE Team.

De-snaring Team
De-snaring Team