Mbogo Primary School is located right in the middle of Soysambu Conservancy and most of the pupils have to walk a long distance, up to two hours, to school everyday with nothing to eat at lunchtime. To help the children, Soysambu Conservancy has started a school lunch programme that now provides hot porridge for all the pupils. The parents take turns to cook and serve the porridge every day. Soysambu Conservancy Staff, Sarah Omusula and Monica Njeri supervise the lunch programme. The children enjoy their lunch in whatever shade they can find Volunteer teacher Victoria keeping the Nursery Children company On behalf of the children of Mbogo Primary School we thank Westhill Park School UK and Tammy Quartermass for their generous donations and the enormous difference it has made to the pupils. Soysambu Conservancy is now appealing for more donations to continue this beneficial Supplementary Food Programme which will help the children through their lessons.