Egyptian Geese at Soysambu

Today, I set out with only one mission in mind, to take a photo of the Egyptian Geese I had spotted a few days ago. Even though my photographic skills are not sharp, I managed to take a few photos of the pair of Egyptian Geese.

The Egyptian Geese were browner in colour, with chestnut patches on the feathers and around each eye, what a spectacular appearance! Its Conservation Status is of Least Concern (LC), that is, ICUN 3.1

As I approached, the female goose (the smaller one) started making cackling noises and stayed hidden for a while, with the male curiously eyeing me. I am suspecting there are eggs somewhere and I can’t wait to see the Goslings as am intrigued by nature.

My curiosity couldn’t help as I wanted a nice shot, but they got scared and flew off a few metres from the water to dry land. Phew!!

Soysambu Conservancy is rich in bird life!