
In exercise of the Wildlife Act the Minister for Wildlife and Forestry has declared Soysambu to be a wildlife sanctuary. Our director, Kat Combes, has worked on this for the last five years so that we can get UNESCO nomination for a World Heritage Site.

We would also like to ask ask those residents and stakeholders on and around Lake Elmenteita to support GLECA (Greater Lake Elmenteita Conservation Area). There will be a meeting soon to discuss the management of the Lake with the Kenya Wildlife Service. There is a draft management plan.

The declaration of Lake Elmenteita Wildlife Sanctuary is a step forward in the nomination of the Kenya Rift Valley Lakes World Heritage Site. It will provide national protection to this incredibly fragile lake. Soysambu borders the Lake on the west. We look forward to working with our neighbors in protecting this valuable part of Kenya’s heritage.

Egyptian Geese at Soysambu

Today, I set out with only one mission in mind, to take a photo of the Egyptian Geese I had spotted a few days ago. Even though my photographic skills are not sharp, I managed to take a few photos of the pair of Egyptian Geese.

The Egyptian Geese were browner in colour, with chestnut patches on the feathers and around each eye, what a spectacular appearance! Its Conservation Status is of Least Concern (LC), that is, ICUN 3.1

As I approached, the female goose (the smaller one) started making cackling noises and stayed hidden for a while, with the male curiously eyeing me. I am suspecting there are eggs somewhere and I can’t wait to see the Goslings as am intrigued by nature.

My curiosity couldn’t help as I wanted a nice shot, but they got scared and flew off a few metres from the water to dry land. Phew!!

Soysambu Conservancy is rich in bird life!

The Great Wall of Soysambu

The construction of a boundary dry stone wall as begun on the eastern boundary of Soysambu Conservancy. The initial section of the fence will stretch from the base of ‘The Nose’ on the Sleeping Warrior crater and extend down to Lake Elmenteita. This area of the Conservancy constantly being entered and illegally grazed by herdsmen and their stock, often herds of over 1,000 cattle.

Initial stages of construction

The dry stone wall is being made using the volcanic rocks that cover the property, particularly southern area of the lake. Six-foot wooden posts are being built into the stone wall and will carry solar powered electrified wires to deter trespassers from simply climbing over the wall. The estimated cost of building the fence is 300,000ksh (~US$4,000) per 5km.

Initial stages of construction 2

This method of fencing, although labour intensive has had proven success on other properties in keeping unwanted trespassers out as well as keeping wildlife in, and is much more durable than a standard electric fence, and a lot cheaper too.

If you would like to make a donation towards the construction of the wall please follow the links on our home page- your contribution will be greatly received.