Soysambu is a 48,000 acre area of conservation in Kenya.

Situated in Kenya’s Central Rift Valley 130kms northwest of Nairobi and 25 kms southeast of Nakuru.

Lake Nakuru National Park is on the west, volcanoes Ol Doinyo Eburru to the south and Menengai to the north.

Lake Elmenteita Wildlife Sanctuary bordering Soysambu conservation area in Kenya.

Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley World Heritage Site, a Ramsar Convention Wetlands Site and a Bird Life International -Important Bird and Biodiversity Area.

International Importance

Part of a World Heritage Site
Included in an Important Bird Area (IBA)
Lake Elmenteita RAMSAR site

An integral part of Kenya’s Rift Valley lake system with Lake Elmenteita lying between Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru.

This landscape is part of Kenya’s Natural Heritage of rich biodiversity as a conservation area in Kenya.

Key Wildlife Attributes

Home to 187 endangered Nubian Giraffes.
Lake Elmenteita supports the only known breeding site for the Great White Pelican Kenya.
A small population of resident lions
buffalo, leopard, hippo, hyena, jackal, eland, zebra, impala, Thompson’s and Grant’s Gazelle, waterbuck, reedbuck, warthog, steinbok, klipspringer, colobus monkey, vervet monkey and baboons
Over 300+ bird species located on the African-Eurasion migratory flyway


Conserve flora and fauna
Preserve the quality of Lake Elmenteita
Safeguard any outstanding geological, physiographical, ecological, archaeological, cultural or historical features
Protect scenic views, topographical features and landscapes
Inhibit or restrict the scope of any mining or mineral or aggregate workings that would adversely affect wildlife conservation
Avert the scope of other land use activities that would adversely affect the integrated approach to wildlife conservation and livestock management
Forestall infrastructural activities that would adversely affect wildlife conservation
Prevent any subdivisions of the land that adversely affect wildlife conservation


Undertaking a co-ordinated and integrated approach to the planning and utilisation of Soysambu that maintains this important landscape whilst providing optimum value in terms of enjoying that landscape and what it offers over the long term
Implementing the mobile predator proof boma managment tool for optimising our grazing resource
Achieving our full tourism potential through visitor accommodation, dat visitors and activities
Expanding our neighbouring community interaction, including perimeter fencing to reduce human wildlife conflict
Working with partners who believe in sustaining the Soysambu landscape and achieving our Vision and Objectives
Conservation in Kenya
Caldera – a large volcanic crater, especially one formed by a major eruption leading to the collapse of the mouth of the volcano.
Conservation in Kenya
Buffalo Herd
Conservation in Kenya
Conservation in Kenya
Flamingos flying over Lake Elmenteita Wildlife Sanctuary
Conservation in Kenya
Dramatic sky in Soysambu
Conservation in Kenya
Lake Elmenteita Wildlife Sanctuary and Soysambu Conservancy