Soysambu firmly believes in the need to develop a coherent approach that fosters willingness among all actors to work on integrated solutions. We prefer to bring together efforts in a programme of consistent pro-active assistance and interventions. This program should combine the dual goals of helping communities in improving their livelihoods while securing the communities’ commitment to Soysambu’s conservation goals.
The Soysambu Community Partnership and Education Department currently employs one Education and Awareness Officer. The Department, in conjunction with the communities, has defined five areas of impact for its activities.Contact 0726151041
Five Areas of Impact
Education |
Health and Wellness |
Nutrition |
Livelihood improvement |
Security |
A key constraint to developing and implementing our community programmes has been the lack of funding. In spite of this, mostly through improvisation and making do with a few donations, the department has managed to contribute to communities through these activities.
Constructed and equipped the Elmenteita Medical Dispensary and Maternity Ward |
Installed water tanks and piping from a borehole on Soysambu to the dispensary |
Established a cattle dip in the Kiungururia community |
Firewood collection through bush clearing programme |
Environmental Beautification Programme |
School Lunch Programme |
Pen Pal Programme |
Tree Planting |
Bursary to one student based on performance |
Support for Police Station in Elmenteita |
Participating in the Water Rights Users Associations |
Support of the Clinic on Soysambu |
Support for community security |
Assistance in environmental education excursions |
Provision of energy saving jikos (portable, charcoal-burning stove) |
Provision of microscopes |
Provision of school desks and chairs |
Provision of sports equipment |
Provision of educational material |
Improvement of School buildings and blackboards |
Constructed a school garden |
Assistance to government agencies |
Community Relevance
Surrounded by an area of rapidly growing population, Soysambu is under considerable threat from surrounding pressures. These threats include siltation from soil erosion, increased extraction of water in the catchment, degradation of land, deforestation, growth in human settlements, around Lake Elmenteita.
Community Demographics
It is estimated that over 37,000 people live around the Soysambu Estate, spread out over 13 communities. Another 235 people live on the Estate in their capacity as employees. The Conservancy defines communities as those found within approximately five kilometres of the boundary. In addition, there are several small settlements found to the south and west (Ol Jorai and Elmenteita). Nakuru town is approximately 35 km by road from the main entrance gate to the north. The main road between Nairobi and Nakuru (one of the heaviest used roads for transport to and from Uganda) runs along the Lake and Eastern boundary of the Conservancy. The newly tarmaced Elmenteita – Lanet road cuts through the Estate leaving Congreve Sanctuary to the west adjacent to Lake Nakuru National Park.
Community Outreach Partners
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![environmentalbeautification-crop-u39191 Environment beautification](
![girlsdancing-crop-u39211 Girls dancing](
![ladydelamereschool-crop-u39231 Lady Ann Delamere Secondary School](
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![richard-crop-u39271 Community](
![treeplanting-crop-u39291 Tree planting](
![treeplantingdam-crop-u39311 Tree planting near the dam](