
Main gate coordinates: Latitude -0.385102˚ Longitude 36.236635˚

By Road: If you are coming from Nairobi take the A104 towards Nakuru. From JKIA it is 150 km (93 miles) or about 3 hours. Our main gate is 30 km southeast of Nakuru.

By Air: We have several airstrips. From Nairobi it is about 30 minutes. Kasambara Airstrip is near our main gate and Lake Elmenteita. Head Office Airstrip is central. Congreve Airstrip is near Mbweha and Lake Nakuru National Park.


In addition to booking your accommodations, please make sure to book your visit PRIOR to your arrival to Soysambu. No one is allowed into the conservancy without a booked reservation. Book with Soysambu here>>>

Double rainbow